
Born in Port Jefferson Station, New York, one year after the beginning of the Summer of Love, John Popielaski attended SUNY-Stony Brook and American University. He has worked as a mover, lackey to a well-heeled tropical biologist, tent erector, lobsterman, and teacher. He has climbed
modest mountains. A minor poet who, for such biographies, is not above referring to himself in the third person, he has had work in such journals as The Hollins Critic, New South, Post Road, and
Redivider. His first novel, The Hollow Middle, is available from Unsolicited Press.

Born in Port Jefferson Station, New York, one year after the beginning of the Summer of Love, John Popielaski attended SUNY-Stony Brook and American University. He has worked as a mover, lackey to a well-heeled tropical biologist, tent erector, lobsterman, and teacher. He has climbed
modest mountains. His poems have recently appeared in Bicoastal Review, Clade Song, Hole in the Head Review, and Home Planet News. His poetry collection, That Special Something, is forthcoming from Sheila-Na-Gig Editions in June/July 2025.
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